Course Browser API

By kolibri solutions

Welcome to the Course Browser API, developed by Kolibri Solutions. For questions or inquiries contact

This API is in development and subject to change.
All responses are in JSON format except for this help page, data is cached for 24 hours after fetching from Osiris

This Unofficial Interface has no official endorsement of the universities or Osiris whatsoever.

All rights reserved. All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.


The endpoints to use:
/osiris/This help page
/osiris/api/unicodes/List all available university, their codes and which api version we support for them
/osiris/api/<unicode>/types/List of all supported types
/osiris/api/<unicode>/faculties/List of all supported faculties
/osiris/api/<unicode>/<year>/course/<coursecode>/header/List of dictionaries with all information in the header of osiris for given course, for now only search by coursecode is supported. If a course has multiple timeslots or quartiles multiple entries will be returned.
/osiris/api/<unicode>/<year>/faculty/courses/<facultycode>/<typecode>/List of codes of all courses given by specified faculty with specified type. For a list of available types and faculties see above endpoints. To filter on study send "STUDY:<studycode>" as a request header
osiris/api/<unicode>/studies/List of tuple pairs of code and name of all available studies

api V2 endpoints

For some universities version 2 API endpoints are available:
/osiris/api/v2/<unicode>/<year>/courses/all/List of all valid course codes


The endpoints to use:
EndpointMessage to sendDescription
/osiris/api/ws/<unicode>/course/<coursecode>Dictionary with all information for given course, send course code and receive dictionary back if course exists
/osiris/api/ws/<unicode>/faculty/<facultycode>:<typecode>List of codes of all courses given by specified faculty with specified type. For a list of available types and faculties see above endpoints.